Coming soon

Universal Remote Control Panels


Ember+ general-purpose remote control.
NMOS IS-04/IS-05 compatible, using optional software.


  • Controls a variety of features, including matrix/setting switching.
  • A function can be set for each button. Supports switching of up to 100 pages.


Hardware Panel FRU-18D/39D

  • Supports redundant, dual-control LAN.
  • Supports 2 power supplies and 1 PoE power supply. (3 power systems in total, with mixed use possible).
  • FRU-18D (18 buttons model)

  • FRU-39D (39 buttons model)

Software Panel FRU-SOFT

  • Software version of remote control for installation on a Windows PC. 
  • Remote control can be operated via a web browser with the same configuration file.


Optional Software FRU-NMOS

  • To be installed on a Windows PC.
  • Gateway software between NMOS and Ember+, which allows FRU-18D, FRU-39D, and FRU-SOFT to work with an NMOS system (IS-04, IS-05).